The term teppanyaki comes from the Japanese
Teppan literally means hot plate. Teppanyaki means grilled dish.
A teppanyaki is therefore a grill plate, traditionally smooth, i.e. without a surface pattern.
This low-fat and gentle form of grilling is now so popular that there are cookers with a built-in teppanyaki.
So that nobody has to be sad if they don't own such a cooker, there are our plates.
They can be used for grilling or searing, just like in Japan.
And the icing on the cake: After use, cleaning is quick and easy.
You just have to decide whether you want our classic handles or the stainless steel handles.
Handcrafted from the pan manufacturer: Made in Germany.
At a glance:
- Very good heat retention
- Even heat distribution
- Non-stick finish
- Abrasion-resistant LuxTec® surface finish
- Oven-safe up to 240°C
- Suitable for all types of cookers
- Easy to clean
- TÜV-certified safety
- Sustainable thanks to the use of recycled aluminium and our recoating service.
Important note: We have equipped our griddles with silicone feet, which prevents slipping on induction hobs and makes cooking with our griddles easier for you. The silicone feet are only suitable for induction hobs! When using on other types of hob, such as glass ceramic, gas or electric, the silicone feet must be removed.